What Others Have to Say
It has been my honor to conduct these sessions through the years. I am touched by each human's journey in this life. I am moved by their kind words.
Mila (23) Small Business Owner

Kristen (33)
"First of all, once you meet Valerie you know you are in loving hands. She can really see you without judgement and you feel the compassion. I had been dealing with depression for quite some time. I wasn't sure that I'd be able to really do the session or see anything at all. But what I experienced was beyond anything I expected. I had a profound experience and I was quite moved. It's hard to describe. It changed my life. Valerie's kind nature made it easy to express the emotions I felt and put them into perspective. You know you are surrounded by love.

Dana (42) Retail Management
"I spent many years second guessing myself. I'd had a feeling for a long time that something in my life was missing. After my session with Valerie, I decided I needed to make a move that I had been delaying. In the next month I packed up and did just that. I realized it was my own self holding me back. I am very grateful for the experience. I am for ever changed for the better"

Steve (55) Engineer
"I was able to have a full experience of two vivid past-lives in my session . I was amazed at our ability to travel through space and time. I was just shocked. So many aspects of my life was put into perspective. I was able to process some of fears and limitations because I now understand the origins. This was a truly amazing experience. Valerie is professional, compassionate and genuine. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to improve themselves, their life and their relationships.

Jaelyn (48) Pharmacist
"I had really been struggling with some personal issues, and wasn't sure where to turn for answers. Valerie was extremely loving and patient. She took time to listen to every word. My session was magical, and beyond my expectation.
Since our session, I am much lighter, energized and hopeful. It feels like another layer has been peeled off and, a new door has opened for a new growth and expansion."